Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just an update...

Well, as you may have noticed, I do not post anywhere near was often as Linell. This is not because I do infinitely more interesting things with my time than he does (not saying that I don't *cough* *cough*), but more because I just don't often have a lot to say. More accurately, though, I completely forgot this existed over the past few days, and here's why:

1. Exams are a b****. I just thought everyone should know that. Now, I'm not saying that every college class is uber hard and you should be scared (for those of you yet to join the ranks of the tired, broke, and hungry), but at least one class a semester you get a teacher who makes you want to punch a Wookiee. For me, that has been history both semesters. Last night, as I was studying for this exam with my good friend Ryan, I realized that at least half the material listed on the study guide (yeah, we actually still get those sometimes. Like I said, college isn't EVIL) we hadn't actually covered, and the rest was mostly just mentioned in passing. So, after I'm done typing this up I'm going to study a little more for that.

2. League of Legends is the most evil creation known to man. Now, I confess to being a huge fan of World of Warcraft. I only have one level 85 and he's not even fully geared, but I enjoy the game greatly and play often, when I can afford the subscription. This being said, when I first tried League of Legends I hated it profusely. For those of you who don't know, League of Legends is a game based on a mod created for Warcraft III known as Defense of the Ancients, or DotA for short. Basically, it's a PvP game where each player controls a champion and fights alongside other champions, as well as minions, to try and destroy the opposing teams "Nexus." It has RTS style controls and each of the heroes has four abilities - three general abilities and one "ultimate" ability - that they can use in addition to attacking. Now, when I first played it, I understood it's merit: It had decent mechanics and the variety among champions and roles was pretty good, as well as having well done graphics, especially for a free to play game. However, the worst thing for me were the controls. I felt that if I was playing with point and click controls similar to an RTS, I should be playing an actual RTS - with full control of armies and buildings and the like. Hero combat, to me, should be carried out like World of Warcraft PvP. However, after playing a few rounds with a couple of friends who really play, I began to enjoy the game, which quickly turned into us playing it for 12 hours straight, two days in a row. I'm not proud of this, nor am I really ashamed of it, it just happened. This being said, that's 24 out of 48 hours that I didn't use for other, some might say more important, things.

3. Sleeping is fun, but apparently my body doesn't realize this.

4. Webcomics are the second most evil creation known to man. Specifically, the one that kept me from sleeping last night is the one I would like to mention. It's called The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon and it is by far one of the best webcomics I've ever read. The art is amazing, and the writing no less so. It can be found HERE. It's definitely now up there in my list of favorites, which include such other webcomics as xkcd, Cyanide & Happiness, and Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. If you have time (which you don't trust me). you should check it, and all the rest, out.

So, now I'm going to go study for a final for a teacher that makes me wants to kick dinosaurs in the testicles. Have fun, and I leave you with this:

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