Saturday, April 30, 2011

Websites. How Do They Work?

Waldoff Group's Website

I'm computer savvy.  Give me something to do and I can figure it out.  I'm that kinda guy. 

Websites, however, just piss me off.  I've never really done any web design before, but hey, Mr. Milton is a great guy (who pays REALLY well) so I decided that I would give it a shot.  Here I am though, trying to edit his "Clients" tab.  And Dreamweaver just doesn't work.  What he wants me to do is simple.  All it needs is to have the clients listed in alphabetical order with their location beneath the name.  Simple as pie.

But Dreamweaver makes it so complicated that I want to throw my computer across the room in frustration.  I don't, because Macs are overpriced and I couldn't replace mine, but the desire is definitely present.  I'm still working on it, but if you've got any experience with Dreamweaver (or anything else that you can use to help me fix the problem for him) please, please direct me.

Also, it's a rather snazzy website isn't it?  I'm proud of the things I've done to it.

Rock Paper Scissors

I'm awake waiting for Taco Bell. While waiting, my roommate and I decided to indulge ourselves with stumbleupon.  As we stumbled, I can across a RPS Machine produced by The New York Times.  This machine is rather uncanny in its ability to predict what choices you make in selecting your throw.  Michael boasted that he could beat it.  Well, he didn't do much better than me.  But that prompted an immediate RPS duel.

And because we're comp sci majors, we obviously geeked it up. We kept track of each throw that we made, and would stop after a set number of throws to explain our logic. My throws were...terrible. BUT! There was a method.

We played three games. The first consisted of six rounds, the second seven rounds, and the third eight rounds.  In total, Michael had fourteen wins and I had two.  There were five ties.

Michael threw eight scissors, I threw four.  Michael threw eight papers, I threw thirteen.  Michael threw five rocks, I through four.  I also threw the bird a few times because I'm a sore loser.

In total: scissors was thrown twelve times, paper was thrown 21 times, and rock was thrown nine times.  With a little bit of math, 28% of throws were scissors, 5% were paper, and 19% were rock. Of the WINNING throws, 33% were scissors, 29% were paper, and 14% were rock.

While we haven't exactly cracked the code yet, and we've made it to Taco Bell and back now and the discussion is now more focused on how amazing the double layer tacos are, so we probably won't.  But it's still nice to know that we *might* one day.

And, as a treat for actually reading all the way through a post, here's a link to a helpful little guide to winning RPS. Now to memorize this while Michael is busy stuffing his face.

Friday, April 29, 2011



You're okay.

You'll be fine.

Just breathe.

I really like this song, and this story. There are plenty of days where it feels like everything is blurry from the speed life moves at.  Trying to juggle 19 hours of class, a girlfriend who lives an hour and a half away, two jobs, AND a social life isn't easy.  Stuff piles up quick.  Sometimes it's just nice to here that everything will be fine.

ZOMBIEZ! Rough Draft

For my high school senior project, I had the ballsy idea to research zombies. It was actually really, really fun and I'm glad that I did it.

This is the rough draft of my paper. My teachers wouldn't accept 11 pages instead of 5 though, so some of the crappier bits were cut out for the final. It's not terribly shabby as it is, but my writing has improved a bit after a year of USM. Anyway, here you go!


Pathfinder Character Generator

Pathfinder is a D&D-esque game, enough said. The link will take you over to the website that I use to gain most of my information on the game.

Anyway, me and a bunch of friends used to love to play the game. Them a tad more than me, but still. I love the way that everything in the game is so based around simple little numbers, and the manipulation of those numbers. I took the obvious step and nerded up the nerdy to make a character generator for it.

As you'll see, it's nothing fancy. It's just basic c++ that makes a pretty simple generator. It's not very commented, but if you want some explanation of why I did something feel free to ask.
